
Friday, February 14, 2014

Storm Update

Well we made it! We never lost power either, although lots of other people did. However, I do have some storm damage. 

I lost most of my garden! The only thing still green is the garlic (although not by much)! I am not sure it will live. Parsley, onions, rosemary and carrots all died! Oh well, no seeds this year! Not sure about some of the blueberry bushes either since they aren't rated for the 5 degree temperatures we had a few weeks ago. Time will tell on those. You know, gardening knowledge will only take you so far, the rest is up to Mother Nature.

The good news is next week is supposed to get to 70 degrees! Yay! It comes just in time to start this year's garden. Normally, cool season crops can be planted here after Valentine's Day. It is also perfect time to start the summer seeds too!

Boy, am I glad the bad weather is over! On to spring!


  1. So sorry you lost your garden! I lost several plants a month ago when we had a freeze. (I live in southern CA, and we rarely drop to freezing temps.)

    1. Laurel,

      Times like this really makes me think how our ancestor were only one hard winter away from starving! I am glad that we have the ability to purchase more seeds after a bad year. Our great-great-grandparents didn't have that!

      Thank you so much for your comment!


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